As far as I can tell, the LASSO estimator is the closest thing we have
to a miracle in modern statistics.
The LASSO estimator is defined as a solution to the minimization
problem $\frac{1}{n} \| Y - X \theta \|_2^2 + \lambda \| \theta \|_1$
over $\mathbb{R}^p$. The key insight here is that this is a convex
problem in $\theta$ - this follows from both norms being convex and
the sum of convex functions being convex. This allows us to design
efficient solvers for this problem and thus handle large-scale
problems - see, for example, ADMM, iterative shrinkage, gradient
projection, etc.
The LASSO can be viewed as convex relaxation of a very natural problem
in statistical estimation - finding the best $k$-sparse vector to
minimize $\| Y - X \theta \| + \lambda \| \theta \|_0$, where the
$L_0$ norm (indeed, not actually a norm) is to be interpreted as the
number of non-zero coefficients in $\theta$. This comes from problems
such as in signal processing and genomics array data where we have $p$
(the number of covariates) significantly larger than $n$, the number of
observations. In this case, the usual least-squares estimation theory
dating back to Gauss does not apply ($X$ cannot have full rank), and
we must find other alternatives. The brute-force approach is
combinatorially hard (we must check each $p \choose k$ sets of
supports, which takes time exponential in $p$).
Thus, the LASSO objective can be seen as a natural convex relation of
the original problem (e.g. taking $p$ from $0$ upwards and stopping as
soon as $\| \theta \|_p$ is convex).
The "miracle" I refer to is the amazing result of Candes & Tao in a
series of papers starting in 2005 that established that for a large
class of observation matrices $X$, we have the amazing result that
with very high probability, solving the LASSO problem is equivalent to
solving the original combinatorially hard problem. Formally, we have
the following theorem, which contains a germ of the restricted
isometry property.
The Optimality of the LASSO estimator
Let $\theta_0$ be $k$-sparse with support $S_0$, and let $Y = X
\theta + \epsilon$, with $\epsilon \sim N(0, \sigma^2 I_n)$. Let
$\tilde \theta$ be the LASSO estimator of $(Y, X)$ with parameter
$\lambda = 4 \overline \sigma \sqrt{\frac{t^2 + 2 \log p}{n}}$.
Assume that $\| \tilde \theta_{S_0} - \theta_0 \|_1^2 \leq k
r_0 (\tilde \theta - \theta_0)^T \hat \Sigma (\tilde \theta -
\theta_0)$ with probability at least $1 - \beta$ for some $r_0$.
Then with probability at least $1 - \beta - e^{-\frac{t^2}{2}}$, we
have that \begin{equation} \frac{1}{n} \| X(\tilde \theta -
\theta_0) \|_2^2 + \lambda \| \tilde \theta - \theta_0 \| \leq 4
k r_0 \lambda^2 \end{equation}
The proof is fairly elementary, requiring only a basic concentration
of measure inequality for subgaussian random variables. The key step
is recognizing that we can bound the event $\max_{j} \frac{2}{n} \|
(\epsilon^T X)_j \| \geq \frac{\lambda}{2}$ on a set of measure less
than $e^-\frac{t^2}{2}$. Once we have this result, we can apply the
triangle inequality and the restricted isometry condition in the
theorem to obtain the desired result.