Speeding up Decision Tree Training

The classic algorithm for training a decision tree for classification/regression problems (CART) is well known. The underlying algorithm acts by recursively partitioning the dataset into subsets that maximize the 'clustering' of examples in each of the partitioned subsets, where the metric used for clustering varies depending on the problem (for example, information gain, Gini loss, etc, have been used successfully in the literature).

For a high level overview of the algorithm, see the following snippet of Haskell code code from the haskell-ml project project.

This is the simplest possible implementation - for each possible feature, we sort the (label, feature) pairs and compute the optimal splitting point for each feature, according to our decision metric. We then take the 'best' possible split, split the examples by that point, record that we split the current node at the given feature and value, and recur down the left and right sides.

The inner loop of the algorithm (in Python) is as follows (function get_best_split):

The complexity of this naive implementation is $\mathcal{O}(F \cdot E^3 \log E)$ - where $F$ are the number of features and $E$ is the number of examples. This is because we loop over the features $(|F|)$, sort the examples ($\mathcal{O}(E \log E)$) then over each example ($|E|$), and computing the loss from partitioning at the given example takes $\mathcal{O}(E)$ time.

It is important to note that this can be incredibly slow (consider when we have $\mathcal{O}(10^4)$ features and $\mathcal{O}(10^{10})$ examples). There are several well-known ways we can speed this up.

Speeding up decision tree training

There are several ways we can make this process faster.

  • Incrementally updating the gain at a given split instead of recomputing the update.
  • Parallelizing recursive tree construction steps.
  • For gradient boosting, we can trim low-importance samples (influence trimming), or just consider only a subset (stochastic gradient boosting).
  • Considering only a random subset of features and examples at each iteration - as in random forests.

We'll go through these in turn, with code examples from the decisiontrees library on GitHub - a backend and frontend for training gradient boosted decision trees, random forests, etc. written in Go. In particular, the regression_splitter.go, random_forest.go, and boosting.go files are where a lot of these techniques are implemented.

Incrementally computing the loss

A simple optimization can take the computation of the loss at any given point from $\mathcal{O}(E)$ to $\mathcal{O}(1)$ for a large set of loss functions. Consider the case where we minimize $L^2$ loss on the splits. Thus, the loss on a given subset is \begin{equation} L(S) = \sum_{s \in S} (s - \overline S)^{2} \end{equation}

By using the online update formula for the variance of a set of samples - which for a stream of samples $x_{1}, \dots, x_{n}$, allows us to compute the variance of $\mathbb{V}(x_{1}, \dots, x_{n+1}) = \mathbb{V}_{n+1}$ given $\mathbb{V}_{n}$ and the value $x_{n+1}$ in constant time and space by tracking $\sum_{i=1}^{n} x_{i}^{2}$ and $\sum_{i=1}^{n} x_{i}$.

See below for the implementation of this approach for $L^2$ loss.

Parallelizing recursive tree construction steps

Note that once we have decided to split at a given node, there is no data sharing between the procedures that compute the left side of the tree and the right side of the tree. Thus, we can compute these in parallel, and can speed up computation significantly on systems with multiple CPUs - asymptotically up to $B$ times faster where $B$ is the branching factor on our branch.

See below for an implementation of this approach.

Parallelizing finding the optimal split

The key insight here is that finding the best split amongst $|F|$ features can be done by forking $|F|$ processes to search through each features possible splits in parallel, then joining and finding the best candidate split from each subroutine.

The tradeoff in this approach is that $|F|$ copies of the examples must be passed to each subroutine - as the subroutines sort these examples which requires ownership of a copy of the data. If we just pass a cheap copy of pointers to the examples (e.g. std::vector<Example*> in C++), we can easily reduce this cost. This speedup depends on the relative sizes of $|F|$ and $|E|$ and the cost of memory allocation in the given system, but is in general a significant speedup.

See below for an example implementation in Go, using channels to communicate splits back to the master thread.

Influence Trimming and Stochastic Gradient Boosting

In gradient boosting (and boosting algorithms in general), we weight examples by their degree of misclassification by the ensemble thus far. The intuition is that each incremental stage is "trained on the residuals" of the previous stage.

At each stage, we compute a weight metric for each example $w_i$, representing the influence of a given sample of the next stage. In practice, the distribution of influence over examples follows a power law, so trimming the bottom $l_\alpha$ samples, where \begin{equation} \sum_{i=1}^{l_{\alpha}} w_{i} = \alpha \sum_{i=1}^{N} w_{i} \end{equation} for $\alpha$ between 5% and 20% can remove a large fraction of samples

In the paper introducing gradient boosting, Friedman notes that up to 90%-95% of examples at later stages can be reduced without a measurable loss in accuracy.

In a follow up paper to the initial gradient boosting machine paper, Friedman introduces stochastic gradient boosting - at each iteration, select a random subset of examples for the construction of the next weak learner. Friedman's experiments indicated that 20%-50% of examples can be dropped at any given stage without a significant loss in the quality of the ensemble. Given the dependence on the number of examples on the time spent training, this can be a useful improvement.

See the following code for the implementation of a boosting round:

Random Forests

When using Brieman's algorithm to train random forests, there are several key speedups over naive ensemble construction:

  • For each weak classifier, choose the best splits with $m \ll |F|$ features, and a boostrap sample of size $n < |E|$ examples.
  • Each weak classifier is trained independently of the others (as opposed to gradient boosting), and so can be trivially parallelized.

For example, see the following code that uses Golang's convenient sync.WaitGroup abstraction for computing the weak learners in parallel.


We've talked about a number of methods that can be used for evaluation time improvement. Please have a look at the decisiontrees library for an integrated view of how these are implemented. In subsequent posts, we'll talk about the other side of the equation - speeding up evaluation of decision trees.

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